Amie Larter talks to Neroli Ellis about the state of nursing in Tasmania. What were the main challenges for nurses in Tasmania throughout 2011- 2012? The significant budget cuts in health in this financial year resulted in the closure of ...
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Click where it hurts
The adoption of video-conferencing technology for patient consultations in Australia is at a tipping point. For the first time, national standards and clinical guidelines for the use of telehealth by nurses and midwives will be available from next year; a ...
More »Mental health cap short-sighted
The government’s decision not to increase funding for the nurse incentive program is a missed opportunity in preventative care, writes Scott Harris The Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program (MHNIP) has been responsible for saving lives and improving the health of ...
More »Language a big hurdle
The English language proficiency of internationally trained nurses is an important issue for patient safety but there are global concerns about the appropriateness of the testing process, writes Tiffany Lynch. The Australian healthcare sector is expected to experience an unprecedented ...
More »Concerns over graduate job readiness
New research is exploring the significant conflict that exists between what employers and graduates want from nursing graduates, Linda Belardi reports. Some employers are concerned Australia’s education system is not producing registered nurses who are workplace ready and have called ...
More »Nurses welcome federal lifeline for TAS health
The ANF Tasmanian branch has applauded the federal government’s $325 million injection into the state’s ailing health system. Australian Nursing Federation Tasmanian branch state secretary Neroli Ellis has welcomed the federal government’s $325 million rescue package and said lives would ...
More »ACT boosts hospital funding
Last week’s ACT budget committed funding for additional nurses and elective surgery operations. Treasurer Andrew Barr has given the ACT's hospital system a massive $109.5 million boost despite strained finances. Some $31.6 million has been allocated to meet growth in ...
More »NSW nurses vote to stop work
Rallies will be held across the state to protest changes to workplace compensation. Nurses have voted to stop work over the NSW government's push to overhaul the compensation scheme for injured workers. NSW Nurses' Association general-secretary Brett Holmes said rallies ...
More »Mental health experts debate child screening
Concerns of false diagnosis and overmedicating young children have been raised ahead of a national rollout of a program to test three-year-olds for social and emotional issues. Mental Health Minister Mark Butler says safeguards are needed to ensure the government's ...
More »Nurse practitioners move into aged care
Aged care providers hope a boost in government funding will be an opportunity for nurse practitioners to showcase their value. Darragh O Keeffe reports. Nieves Murray is pretty excited about her next staff appointment. Her organisation, IRT, was one of ...
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