Over four million Australians are currently affected by allergies and, although precise statistics are not known, medical professionals agree that allergies and rates of anaphylaxis are on the rise. The term 'allergy' covers a number of health issues including, but ...
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New study finds night shift workers need support to manage metabolic health conditions
A study by Monash University found that work policies must be designed to target barriers night shift workers face when managing weight and metabolic health conditions. Published in Obesity Reviews, researchers investigated the barriers that night shift workers face when ...
More »When midwives face their own birth trauma: study
A groundbreaking study is investigating the 'overlooked issue' of midwives coping with their own birthing trauma and its impact on their professional lives. It's estimated that one in three women who deliver a baby experience some level of trauma. But ...
More »Keeping it in the family: mother, daughter graduate with nursing degrees
“How would you have gone if you had taken your mum to uni, Conor?” recent nursing graduate and mother Lorella McLatchey asks me. As I ponder this, I imagine sitting at the uni bar while my mother stares at me disapprovingly, ...
More »Humans better than robots at surgery
Robots don't always have the upper hand - new studies suggest that humans make better surgeons. As hospitals spend millions on robotics and new technology, studies by Leeds University and Stanford University have revealed that robots used in medical settings ...
More »GPs can help close the gap: report
Many GPs don’t consider ethnicity to be relevant to quality of care, according to a new study. Better identification of indigenous patients in general practices would improve their access to Medicare benefits such as health checks that could help ‘Close ...
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